JOBS are the Key to a Healthy Economy

AND a healthy real estate market. Along with inventory & interest rates. The FED can’t build homes. They do set interest rates. They will raise interest rates in an attempt to reduce inflation, but they do not control excessive government spending (proximate cause.) We are now facing two pivot points – a large private sector full-time job loss (recession indicator) & explosive inflation that wages cannot keep pace with. The RATE of inflation has come down, but PRICES WILL NOT REVERT. Along with the increase in residential home prices, it now costs more to rebuild a property (which is why insurance costs are exploding.) Increases in values are causing increases in property taxes. Theoretically, if you have an increase in VALUES your property tax rate SHOULD GO DOWN TO PRODUCE THE SAME AMOUNT OF REVENUE. However, if you are not watching your local authorities, they will increase your TAX RATE as well as your ASSESSED VALUE.

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While I am upgrading this site please visit me on Facebook where I post the most recent news concerning real estate investment.

Coming improvements include the ability to fill in online forms to order financial reports for your real estate investing. Over the course of my career I have invested in sophisticated software for property analysis and production of many types of reports to assist you in making your best decisions. The one thing software cannot do is use its best judgment regarding assumptions necessary to accurately determine outcomes based on your circumstances.

