More Construction & A Possible Increase in Interest Rates

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that February 2017 saw strong job creation, including those in the construction trades.

“Here are where some of the major gains in jobs occurred in February:

Construction: Increased 58,000

Professional and business services: Increased 37,000

Private educational services: Increased 29,000

Manufacturing: Increased 28,000

Health care: Increased 27,000

Mining: Increased 8,000

On the other hand, some industries saw a loss in jobs during February, such as retail trade, which lost 26,000 jobs, general merchandise stores with a loss of 19,000 jobs, sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores with a loss of 9,000 jobs and electronics and appliances stores with a loss of 8,000 jobs.”

Source: HousingWire, U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics, ADP
